Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My Tantric Patanjali: Yoga Sutra III.35 - Know Your Heart - Part 1


  1. A different interpretation could be; Total consciousness of one self ( one is at the center and at the periphery of infinite nature of universe) can only be seen through Hrudaya ( different from Heart as in the case of Mind being different from Brain. Empathy with every creation in the universe and the question WHO AM I? WILL LEAD TO STILLING THE MIND WHICH ALLOWS ALL THE MOTION AROUND ONE TO BE A PART OF INNER SELF. THIS IS UNIQUE FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL AND WHO EVER REACHED THAT STAGE IN LIFE, IN THE HISTORY MANKIND, NEVER OPENED UP ON THEIR EXPERIENCE TO OTHERS.

    1. Thank you for sending your unique interpretation, dkraju! A large part of the joy (and value) of studying these ancient texts is allowing ourselves to figure out what they mean through the lens of our own hearts, minds and experiences; making them relevant not only for the 21st century, but for our individual lives. So I heartily applaud your insights and your willingness to share them here! I believe you'll really enjoy the second part of this post when it is published on Friday... Please feel free to comment again. - Shanti Om, Shari
