Go to Part One Go to The Value of Asking "Why?" Go to My Tantric Patanjali: Yoga Sutra II.2 (Weakening Misperceptions)
Go to Misalignments in Yoga Aren't "Wrong," but Repeating Them May Cause Injury Go to What is Yoga Anyway?
Go to Tantric Shaucha Practices are Choices That Support Healthy Personal Boundaries Go to Traits of a True Teacher
Go to Some Suggested Reading on Mindfulness/Meditation and Anatomy/Physiology Go to Yoga is More than Just Exercise
Go to On Behaviors of Healthy Teachers & Students: Shiva Sutra II.6 Go to Do Our Actions Reveal Our Deepest Intentions?
Go to Misalignments in Yoga Aren't "Wrong," but Repeating Them May Cause Injury Go to What is Yoga Anyway?
Go to Tantric Shaucha Practices are Choices That Support Healthy Personal Boundaries Go to Traits of a True Teacher
Go to Some Suggested Reading on Mindfulness/Meditation and Anatomy/Physiology Go to Yoga is More than Just Exercise
Go to On Behaviors of Healthy Teachers & Students: Shiva Sutra II.6 Go to Do Our Actions Reveal Our Deepest Intentions?